One Shot Readiness Digital Twin AI Network


F-22s train with Royal Norwegian air force

Maximizing Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)

The Problem

Energetic devices are pivotal in aviation mission execution and safety equipment. They perform critical functions such as launching weapons, triggering fire extinguishers, and aiding pilot ejections during emergencies. Despite the significance of these crucial components, fleets contend with persistent challenges like shortages, outdated parts, failed lots, and delivery delays. Currently, there is no health-monitoring capability to assess remaining service life, which exacerbates the challenge. For safety reasons, conservative “useful life” limits are set, often leading to premature removal of parts with substantial remaining usability. Consequently, approximately 70,000 energetic parts are replaced annually with useful life remaining.

Improve Operational Availability and Safety

The Solution

Imagine having a solution that integrates uncertainty, enhances pilot safety, addresses supply shortages, and extracts maximum value from component inventories. MaxUp® ORDAIN, Lone Star Analysis’ innovative technology, applies predictive analytics to deliver a more efficient approach to component lifecycle management. By utilizing existing maintenance and operational databases, as well as analyses such as cockpit thermal studies and weather data, the solution accurately predicts the service life of components, including both life expended and useful life remaining over a period of 84 months. All of this is accomplished without the need for installed aircraft sensors.

Pilot Safety

  • Failure analysis is performed across entire component populations to predict service life.
  • Accurate assessments of component service life (expended and remaining) can be made.
  • These assessments are possible without installing cockpit sensors.

Supply Chain Shortages

  • Considerations include installation dates, operating locations, and environmental exposures.
  • Operationalized within a cloud-based environment.
  • Significantly reduce the annual cost of these components by up to 59 percent.

Budget Efficiency

  • Calculate stress accumulation over time for each component to predict service life: what is used up and what remains.
  • Deliver a responsible alternative to component lifecycle management.
  • Replicate thousands of other components in the defense weapon system inventory.
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